Discount An Item

Single Item Discount

  • Press the Price Tag image on the same line of the item you want to discount
  • The keypad will pop up on the screen
  • You will have the option to take a percent off (%) or a dollar amount ($)
  • Enter the appropriate amount and press the green enter button.

Whole Purchase Discount

  • Make sure all your items have been selected and on the checkout screen
  • Find the Price Tag image at the very top right corner above your first checkout item
  • Press the Price Tag image
  • The keypad will pop up on the screen
  • The only option you will have the option is to take a percent off (%)
  • Enter the appropriate percent off and press the green enter button

Continue To Pay Options

pos/discount_an_item.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/29 22:58 (external edit)