Junk Mail Filtering on MegabytesOne Web Hosting

The MegabytesOne email servers automatically tag incoming mail suspected of being “spam” with a [SPAM] tag in the subject of the message. This allows you to filter mail easily while never missing an email due to a false-positive.

How to Automatically Delete Junk Mail

This example uses Mozilla Thunderbird, the email client Megabytes recommends, however the general procedure will work on any email client.

Establish a mail filter, go to Tools > Message Filters…

Click New

Junk Mail Filter

Name the filter whatever you like.

In the conditions, specify “Subject Contains” [SPAM]

In the actions, choose the desired action – in this case “Delete Message”

You're done! All incoming mail tagged by our spam filters will now automatically be deleted when it's received.

Outlook 2007

The same concept works perfectly in Outlook 2007 as well as all other e-mail clients. Here's how to setup the filter in Outlook 2007.

From the Tools Menu, select Rules and Alerts.

Click New Rule… in the toolbar.

This will open the Rules Wizard.

Rules Wizard - Step 1

Choose Move messages with specific words in the subject to a folder

Click Next

Rules Wizard - Step 2

On the screen shown above, in the lower box, click the words specific words to choose what the Rule will look for.

Search Text

Type [SPAM] in the first box and click Add

Click OK

Select action

On the screen shown above, un-check move it to the specified folder in the top box, then check the box next to delete it.

Click Finish

Click OK

You're done. All messages flagged by the junk mail filter will now be moved directly to your trash.

NOTE: You can select “Permanently Delete” to skip the trash folder. This setting is highly recommended if you're are electing to leave mail on the server when using POP3 access as described in this article.

hosting/junk_mail_filtering.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/29 22:58 (external edit)